Symphony Orchestra

led by Mark Gutierrez
Sundays 1:00-2:30pm


SCVYO Symphony Orchestra participation will enhance the student's school music success and prepare musicians to audition for our elite Novae Sinfonia and/or Honors Chamber music. Musicians are introduced to methods from non-Western performance practices that complement and enrich Western classical performance practices. Symphony Orchestra is a mixed-level group, in which students develop leadership, discipline and teamwork.

It is highly recommended that Symphony Orchestra musicians participate in private lessons outside of weekly rehearsals. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in their school music program, where available.



ALL Symphony Orchestra musicians, new AND returning, must audition at the beginning of the fall season to participate.


NEW musicians wishing to join Symphony Orchestra for the first time 

ALL RETURNING students who played in Symphony Orchestra in the previous year (Fall Audition Only)

PRELUDE ENSEMBLE STUDENTS wishing to move up to Symphony Orchestra 




The typical Symphony Orchestra Musician has a minimum of three years experience on their chosen instrument. All prospective Symphony Orchestra musicians are asked to learn linked excerpts below. We strongly recommend working on this music with your private teacher. Learn to the best of your ability, but don’t worry if they aren’t “perfect.” Just go for it! 😊


🎵 1st Violin:  2-octave major and relative minor scale in any key, shifting into 3rd position, 1-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship, and both Violin 1 excerpts

🎵 2nd Violin: 2-octave G major scale and 2-octave a minor scale, 1-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship, and both Violin 2 excerpts

🎵 Viola:   2-octave G major and relative minor scale, 1-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship, and both Viola excerpts

🎵 Cello:   2-octave G major and 2-octave e minor scale, 1-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship, and both Cello excerpts

🎵 Bass: 2-octave G major and 2-octave e minor scale, 1-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship, and both Bass excerpts

🎵 Winds & Brass: 2-octave major and minor scales, up to 4 sharps/flats 1-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship, and both excerpts (Bassoon excerpts, Clarinet excerpts, Flute excerpts, Horn excerpts, Oboe excerpts, Trombone excerpts, Trumpet excerpts, Tuba excerpts)

🎵 Percussion: Prepare 2-3 min of a solo or etude demonstrating ability on snare drum, mallets, and/or timpani, a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship and excerpt(s) (Percussion excerpt, Mallets excerpts)

🎵 Piano: One major and one minor 2-octave scale of choice (hands together), 2-3 min of a solo piece that best demonstrates your level of musicianship

▶︎ All auditions are to be unaccompanied

▶︎ Audition fee must be paid in order to schedule your appointment!

▶︎ Students are strongly encouraged to engage in private lessons and participate in their school music program, where available.

Principal Chairs (Section Leaders): Audition requirements are the same as noted above. Students seeking to lead their section should be able to demonstrate a higher level of mastery of the excerpts and their selected solo piece. For string section leaders, 3-octave scales are encouraged, but not required.


  1. BEFORE YOU RECORD: Students are welcome to use a laptop or phone to record, or have a friend or family member record you. Make sure your full instrument is visible in frame! We suggest doing a short test video before recording your full audition to make sure sound/video are working. If possible, please record your audition in one continuous take (Scales, Solo Piece, Excerpt).

  2. SAY YOUR NAME / PIECE: State your first and last name, and the name and composer of the solo piece you are going to play.

  3. PLAY YOUR HEART OUT 🙂: Play your scales, solo piece, and excerpt (if applicable). Don’t worry about perfection! We just want to hear you play your instrument. 

  4. UPLOAD YOUR AUDITION: Upload your audition video HERE. If you are having trouble uploading, you are also welcome to email video directly to

  5. SUBMIT ENROLLMENT FORM/AUDITION FEE: Make sure you have filled out online enrollment form and submitted audition fee.